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Information Centre

If you have a question about picture framing...



Cannot upload an image into frame designer
The upload section is written to accept all popular image formats and sizes. However, if the image is 600 x 800 pixels or above, to avoid excess load on our server, you’ll receive an error message and the file will not be uploaded.
If you reduce the total image size in increments of 20%, it will take no longer than three attempts for it to work.

Shopping cart empty after adding products
This will happen if your Internet browser is blocking Cookies. This site and nearly all web sites using a shopping cart system rely on cookies being ‘ enabled ‘

To check if you are using a Windows PC and Internet explorer.
Start menu >Control panel >Internet options >Privacy.
The system is designed to operate with this setting on ‘medium high’: Microsoft’s recommended default is ‘medium’.

To check if you are using an Apple PC and Safari
Menu >Preferences >Security.
The system is designed to operate with ‘Cookies’ enabled or enabled from sites you navigate to.

If the site still does not work, please e-mail with the details including Internet browser, version and computer and we will do our utmost to get the issue resolved.

Help files not loading
Please allow a few moments for the page to complete loading. This will solve the problem.


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