The A to Z of Framing
There’s more to picture frames than you might think…
We’ve created an A to Z of framing to illustrate this fact. There’s a lot to consider, from the location of the frame to the style that you choose. This can act as a handy guide for the next time you’re thinking of purchasing a bespoke frame.
A – Artwork
A generic term used to describe different forms of pictures, art and visual work; e.g. drawings, photographs, paintings, collages, print etc.
B– Bespoke
Have your frames tailor-made so that they are the perfect fit for your pictures – not only will they look better but the correct sizing will help prevent damage.
C– Colour
Choose a frame colour to match the mood of both the picture and the room. This handy guide helps give you a starting point for picking the perfect coloured frame for your pictures.
D– Design
What style of frame will best suit your tastes? You should also strive for balance with the art or photo within. Try matching elaborate/traditional style frames to older art, and contemporary pieces with a plainer and more modern frame.

E– Elegance
A well chosen picture frame can complement the design choices that you have made in your room, and give character and personality to your interiors.
F– Function
Consider the function of your picture frame. Are you framing a piece simply for decorative purposes, or are you looking for the protection that a picture frame can offer? This can have an impact on the frame that you should choose and affects whether or not you should decide to purchase a picture mount.
G– Glazing
Used to describe the glass-like covering used in a frame to protect the photo/artwork from the surrounding environment. There are a number of different glazing options, the most popular being glass or acrylic (particularly Plexiglas).
H– Hanging
The usual method of displaying a picture frame, and it’s not as easy as it seems. Take a look at our infographic for a step by step guide to hanging your frames.
I– I (eye)
A bit of a leap with this letter, but it’s all in the eye of the beholder. When framing and hanging a picture, consider aesthetics; does the frame complement the picture? It shouldn’t detract from, or devalue it. Also consider hanging height: ideally you want to be hanging things around eye level (roughly 60” from the floor).
J- J Hook
Shaped like a J. J hooks are ideal as they can be attached to a wall to then join with the ‘D’, also known as the plate ring on the back of a picture or a mirror frame. Due to their shape, they allow the frame to sit relatively close to the wall, minimising the chance of damage.

K- Kit
It’s always worth having a framing supply kit about. SpringLOCK kits are ideal as they are anti theft and can be used with wooden frames, locking onto almost any screw in the wall. Comes complete with the release key.
L– Lignin
It’s important to protect your frames. Lignin is a polymer which is used to hold wood together. Artwork damaging acid is a by-product of lignin and often causes a brown hazy stain seen on older pieces of artwork. This is why it’s important to pick the right level of conservation for your piece.
M– Mouldings
Used to describe the rebated material length used to construct a picture frame. Mouldings are stocked to supply a variety or finishes, styles and colours.
N– Nostalgia
Bring old photographs back to life with a beautiful picture frame. It’s all about displaying those special memories, moments and art on the walls for all to enjoy.
O– Options
There are so many types of frames to choose from. You can choose your material and your style: e.g. swept frames. You can also select your finishes: e.g. gloss.
P– Plexiglas
The trading name for a form of conservation-level acrylic glazing. It’s largely UV absorbent, colourless and break resistant: an ideal alternative to glass.

Q– Quality
Do your photographs and art justice by choosing a high quality frame. Look at this in terms of both quality of design, but also construction, to ensure that you are giving the best protection to your picture.
R– Reversible
The key thing with framing is ensuring that everything is reversible. More specifically, the piece (artwork or photo) can be removed from its protective frame with no changes /damage to the picture or its value.
S– Shadow Box
Another name for box frames which are deep enough to allow you to frame 3 dimensional objects such as shirts, CDs, medals, flowers and much more.
T– Triple Mounting (Triple Mat)
A method of using picture mounts in which three mounts are used with varying window sizes. This creates a visible layered affect.
U– Ultraviolet
UV rays from direct sunlight can be extremely damaging to pictures. Avoid this by hanging artwork away from direct light and also consider using a UV protective glazing such as Plexiglas.

V– Vision
Have you got an idea of what you want your interiors to look like? The kind of styling and feel? The right picture frame can help you achieve this.
W– Window
The space/opening cut into a mount board so the picture can appear framed within the centre.
X– ‘X’ (measurement)
As a general rule you will find that the majority of picture frames sizes are offered in inches, e.g. a standard photo size = 8 x10”. It’s important to note that the size of a picture frame is always measured based on the size of the picture that fits inside the frame.
Y– Ying and Yang
It’s all about achieving a balance for your frame in terms of style, protection and also the way in which it interacts with your artwork. Do you match or do you clash?
Z– Zing
Yes they help protect and display your work, but ultimately we are all looking for that frame which adds an element of zing to your artwork, whether that be simply accentuating and combining with the piece or drawing the eye over!